Home What can you do at KAASO Living at the school Testimonials Costs Apply Now What can you do at KAASO? Teach English, Maths, Computers, Science, Social Studies. Whatever you specialise in. Skilled Work We need carpenters, plumbers, electricians, agricultural specialists, vets, nurses, doctors, dentists. Teacher Education We invite education professionals to help train and upskill our teachers. Childcare Assist the school matrons in taking care of younger students. Sports, Music, Art If you love any of these – come teach them. No formal training required. Library & Computer Lab Teach computers to both students and teachers. Organise the library and encourage students to read. Community Entrepreneurship Come help inspire and create projects that will empower the community. Just Show Up Sing a song, read a book, play a game. The children will be so happy to just spend time with you. APPLY NOW